We have a wealth of resources, in-line with Mind branding, for you to use in your professional and personal lives. Share these with your network and let them know you are committed to Mental Health Support in Hertfordshire. This page will continue to be updated with new resources so make sure to come back if what you are looking for is not here right now.


Support your team and yourself with our free Guides to Wellness Action Plans

Wellness Actions Plans are an easy, practical way of helping you support your own mental health at work. And if you’re a manager, allowing you to support the mental health of your team members.

Anyone can complete a Wellness Action Plan. You don’t need to have a mental health problem to feel the benefits. Having a plan just means that you have some practical steps in place to make sure you’re supported when you aren’t feeling great.

We have 3 guides available, which you can fill in electronically:

Guide for people working in a workplace 

This is for those of us working in a physical workplace. We’ve designed it to help you reflect on what supports your mental health and wellbeing at work. 

Get your Guide for people working in a workplace

Guide for people working remotely 

This is for those of us working remotely. Whether that’s from home or in a shared workspace. We’ve designed to help you identify what best supports your mental health and wellbeing whilst working remotely.

Get your Guide for people working remotely

Guide for people who are hybrid working 

This is for those of us who are hybrid working. We’ve designed it to support people working in a hybrid way – with some days spent in a physical workplace and some days spent working remotely.

Get your Guide for people who are hybrid working


It’s Stress Awareness Month this April!

To help you deal with your own stress, especially if you’re feeling more stressed with what’s going on in the world at the moment, then download our free Stress Reduction Resource -Nature Journal below & find more useful resources via the websites linked:

Nature Journal

Letter To Hertfordshire Schools from NHS – with links

Families First – Links for Mental Health and General Wellbeing 

Every Mind Matter – Looking after your mental health


Understanding Voices

Please see below for a valuable resource on hearing voices translated into several languages. From the ‘Understanding Voices website:

Here you can find downloadable PDF fact sheets or ‘Quick Reads’ about hearing voices translated into the top 10 languages other than English spoken in the UK, according to the 2011 census.

Each PDF on the site provides information about the following topics: 

  • What is hearing voices?
  • How common is it?
  • Coping strategies
  • Talking about hearing voices – tips for voice-hearers
  • Talking about hearing voices – tips for supporters

To access: Please follow this link


Other Recourses:

Get professionally printed:

Staying Well Infographic (With Bleeds)

Print yourself:

Do You Know Your Mental Health Peer Supporter 1 (photo with man)

Do You Know Your Mental Health Peer Supporter 2 (photo with woman)

Do You Know Your Mental Health Peer Supporter 3 (different format / same photo of woman)

Do You Know Your Mental Health Peer Supporter 4 (different format / same photo of man)

Staying Well Infographic

Use online
(Save image to your computer to download):

I’m a Mental Health Peer Supporter Badge     

I’m a Mental Health Peer Supporter (Twitter)  

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