Principle and Scope
Mind in Mid Herts (MiMH’s) vision is providing prevention, recovery, and support services in Hertfordshire to empower people to take control of their mental health. As part of this, we want to hear from the people who use our services. Comments, compliments and complaints help us identify learning so we can achieve high quality work and continuous improvement as an organisation. We recognise that things sometimes go wrong. Complaints are one way to identify what those things are and work to continually improve and develop as an organisation.
This policy aims:
- To make commenting or complaining a simple and straightforward process.
- To have a process where the emphasis is on sorting out the difficulty that has arisen to the satisfaction of all involved.
- o ensure that dealing with complaints and subsequent action is a learning experience and one that can help Mind in Mid Herts improve its services.
These procedures apply to all the people who use our services, Volunteers, Staff, Trustees and members of the public.
Mind in Mid Herts
1. Will be transparent about the procedure as to how comments, compliments and complaints can be made; providing this information in a range of formats.
2. Will take all complaints seriously.
3. Welcomes comments on its services, and will feedback actions based on these comments in a timely manner via various channels of communication
4. Will involve the people who use our services in reviewing this policy and the procedures that accompany it.
All Staff and Volunteers:
1. Will take all complaints seriously.
2. Support service users to be represented by an independent advocate.
3. Deal with complaint according to this policy and MiMH’s procedures.
Click on the tabs below to learn more about how complaints are handled:
Complaints Procedure
Individuals will be encouraged to resolve matters at the first opportunity as early as possible with the person/people concerned.
Complaints may be given verbally or in writing. If a complaint is made verbally, the staff member receiving the complaint should note it in the incidents book. This can be found in each of the MiMH’s centres/offices. Action taken, including dates, should also be recorded.
The staff member receiving the complaint should offer the option of a meeting, where the complaint can be explored. Many complaints can be resolved in this way. If the complaint is not resolved, an investigation should take place, by an appropriate member of staff as designated by the Chief Executive Officer. If we are unable to resolve this dispute an external mediator would be sought.
A written response will be made to written complaints within 14 days of the investigation; the person responding to this complaint would be designated by the Chief Executive Officer.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the response, or the action taken, this will be recorded and the Chair of the Trustee Board notified. This notification will be acknowledged within 10 working days.
The chairperson or their deputy will then appoint a member of the Trustee board to investigate the handling of the complaint, and a report will be prepared with recommendations to the Chair.
The Chair will then arrange for any necessary actions to be taken. This might include a further meeting with nominated members of the Trustee Board. The complainant will be informed in writing of the outcome within 1 month from receipt of the written complaint.
Any decision by the Chair is final and binding.
Complaints Against Staff
This is a sensitive issue and Mind in Mid Herts will aim to ensure that all involved will be supported in the most appropriate way. Staff may be supported through their line manager or a colleague. If the complaint is found to be of a serious nature, the disciplinary policy may be used.
If the complaint is found to be unjustified, a view will be taken by the Chief Executive Officer as to the appropriateness of that staff member continuing to work with a particular service user.
Complaints about the CEO can be made to the chair of the board of trustees; Paul Ronald ([email protected]).
Complaints about a board member can go to the Chair of trustees ([email protected]) or to Mind in Mid Herts Chief Executive Officer ([email protected]). A complaint about the Chair should be reported to the Chief Executive Officer, who will then raise this with a group of board members.
If you are dissatisfied with Mind in Mid Hert’s complaints process, you can contact the Charity Commission, who will be able to advise on whether they may be able to assist in the matter. The Charity Commission can be contacted at:

National Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393
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