How baking brought us together

A staff member at Mind in Mid Herts told us how she has managed to keep well during the year of 2020 when the pandemic hit.

“I really count my blessings especially during this uncertain time for everyone. This helps to stave away any unhelpful thoughts. Not listening to the news too much or paying attention to social media also helps to keep things rational in my mind regarding Covid- 19.


I can’t play my usual beloved sport of netball just yet… although hopefully this will start again soon. In the meantime I have adapted my exercise regime by joining my neighbours fab circuit class via zoom every week which has really helped to keep active. I have also been enjoying walking around the lakes and woods where I live which I had not done before lockdown!


To relieve stress this is where baking was good for all of us as it helped to take their minds off things. We focus on one thing at a time and look for the positives in situations. It helped us to connect with one another, planning what we would bake and then working together to get the end result! We would then enjoy our tasty creations while enjoying a movie night in front of the TV.


We have made some various creations from carrot cake, cannolis (which certainly had to be a team effort!) giant smarties cookie, a vanilla cheesecake and a delicious birthday cake which had mint aero bubbles inside!



If I am ever feeling down I also allow myself little treats such as chocolate, a glass of wine or a hot bubble bath without feeling guilty”.

It is important to think about what we enjoy and how we might be able to adapt it during Covid 19, if you haven’t done some of your hobbies due to time commitments maybe now is the time to reengage or find a new hobby. It doesn’t have to be baking, it could be crafting, photography, online exercise groups, online quizzes, or perhaps mindfulness. It’s really important to take time out for you and give yourself a little self-care to keep well in uncertain times.

Posted on: 29th October 2020