Kindness to Self

As kindness is one of the themes of Mental Health Awareness Week this year, a few of our staff shared with us how they have been kind to themselves during lockdown.


Saranna – Senior Support Worker

I have been keeping well by mindful crochet and patchwork.  The repetitive nature of crafting soothes my soul and the creativity of it keeps me interested.  I have also started Couch to 5k to keep my body moving and to enjoy the outdoors.



Stephanie – Outreach Worker

I have to say it has been difficult for me, as it has for everyone, but I have had to really work hard on being kind to myself. The focus it takes to do my cross stitch has helped with anxiety which crept up on me after a few stressful weeks after a bereavement and all this covid stuff, changing to working from home and intense work days. I had my course result looming too. I am now hooked on this art form and have found that it isn’t the old-lady thing it used to be as there are now apps where you can upload your own photo for patterns. Guess everything has moved with the times!




Callum – Get Set Go Coordinator

Exercise and physical activity have played a huge part in maintaining my mental wellbeing during this period. My Crossfit gym have been running online classes which have really helped me keep up my activity levels and have been a great source of social contact too. One of the things I’ve enjoyed the most is the variety of different movements we have been doing as we obviously don’t all have the same equipment as at a gym. I’ve been working on my headstands and handstands a lot and have recently managed to balance my knees on my elbows, as you can see in the picture on the right. Learning a new skill has helped me feel like I’m still making progress despite many aspects of my life feeling like they are on pause right now.




Adele – Access & Engagement Manager

I keep myself well by keeping to my bedtime routine, it is easy to fall into going to bed later but I stick to going to bed at the same time pretty much every night which helps me to get up in the morning and kick off to a good start. On weekends I enjoy going for a bike ride late morning and doing some baking or gardening in the afternoon. This keeps me in a routine and doing the things I enjoy.





Nicholas – Wellbeing Access Worker

During lockdown, self-care is more important than ever. I have been treating myself as if I were my best friend – with kindness and fairness. Sometimes I have found myself feeling down or caged in because of the restrictions but I have been making sure I get fresh air, eat good food and have a bath whenever I can! This has also been a great time to embrace my creative side. I have dyed my hair (for the first time), made a bunch of recipes and even friendship bracelets. I’m not always feeling up to taking on a new thing but I have found sprinkling these little projects through the weeks has really helped keep things fresh physically and mentally. 



Maja – Communications Assistant and Wellbeing Access Worker

I’ve found the lockdown to be the perfect opportunity to put more time and effort into practising self-care and being kind to myself. It has got me back into doing more creative things that I’ve always enjoyed, like art and creative writing. Being able to express myself in these ways is really therapeutic and helps my mind stay curious and engaged. I also make sure to get out into the garden or go on a walk or bike ride every day to keep my body active and bring me back into the present moment – just how beautiful nature is keeps me positive and hopeful. But I’ve found the best way of being kind to myself at this time, is taking each day as it comes and not berating myself on the days I’m not feeling one hundred percent. Instead I take things slowly and remind myself that I’m doing the best I can, it’s ok to have down days and that things will turn out fine in the end.  



We hope you have had a wonderful Mental Health Awareness Week and that you’ve also been kind to yourself and to others! If you’ve found it difficult finding ways to be practice self-care/being kind to yourself, then try to have a go at some of the things our staff have mentioned above. We also have lots of exciting new online groups that offer creative activities and peer support, so check them out and let us know which you’re interested in joining! In the meantime stay safe, take care and have a lovely weekend!

Posted on: 22nd May 2020