Looking after our Sleep

We all need our sleep, but this doesn’t stop us having problems with it from time to time. Sometimes we might find it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep or you might start waking up earlier. Our mental health can also have an effect on our sleep and likewise poor sleep can influence our mental health.

 “When I get depressed, I sleep so much – at its worst it was 18 hours a day, because it was the only way that I could stop thinking and stop my mind from saying awful things to me.”


Things that affect our sleep can be individual to each person. It can include:

  • Worries/stress that we might be having
  • Shift work
  • Alcohol, drugs or medication
  • Where you sleep
  • Being a parent

“It’s not possible to relax if you don’t have anywhere comfortable and safe at night. This leads to not sleeping and worrying most of the night.”

There are ways of improving our sleep but it’s important to remember that different things work for different people. It’s worth trying different things to see what works for you:

  • Try establishing a sleep routine
  • Being aware of our screen and device usage before bed
  • Look after your physical and mental wellbeing
  • Try sleeping somewhere more comfortable
  • Relaxing before sleep to prepare you for sleep
  • Seek out support for other issues that might be affecting your sleep


Johnny Benjamin gives his own useful tips if you can’t sleep and describes how his mental health affects his sleep:


Want to learn more on improving your sleep? Check out our ‘Sleeping Well’ Workshop for theory-driven tools and tips to better manage your sleep. See the link below for more information:

Living Well – Sleeping Well

Posted on: 25th February 2022