Over the last year we are proud to have supported over 1500 people in Hertfordshire

Over the last year we are proud to have supported over 1500 people in Hertfordshire contributing towards positive mental health. We all have mental health and throughout our lifetime everyone moves up and down the continuum to varying degrees from one end being positive mental health and the other end being mental illness. We need to take care of our mental health just like we take care of our physical health and just like with physical health we’re all different and what might affect one person’s wellbeing may not affect another, or at least in the same way. We all have times where we can feel low, stressed, upset or finding daily life difficult to manage and sometimes there might not be a clear reason as to why we are feeling the way we do. Therefore it is important to reach out and find out how we can support you to improve or maintain your mental wellbeing, after all you deserve to feel good and there are a variety of different methods and steps to support good mental wellbeing.

When accessing our services you will be asked to fill in a referral form/ support form and once completed and processed you will be invited to have an assessment. The assessment is generally a 1-1 conversation with a member of our team to look at how we can support you in the best way for you acknowledging that everyone’s recovery is different.

Alongside our social support services and recovery pathways we also do a lot of prevention work by delivering training and consultancy to schools, businesses, organisations and community groups to educate people in mental health awareness and stress management. We also attend community events, festivals, carnivals and drop in clinics at children centres, job centres and more to promote positive wellbeing and offer information to those who might need further support to improve theirs or a loved one’s mental wellbeing.

Posted on: 23rd July 2019