The Power of Small

Time to Talk day will be a little different to how we celebrated previous years, this year our Access and Engagement Manager, Adele talks about what the power of small means to her in our latest blog.


The power of small.

When I was in school, like many I wanted to be an adult, couldn’t wait for independence and to spread my wings. Although I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I left school, I imagined I would have two children, a husband and a nice house all within my twenties, which all but the house didn’t happen.

In my later years of high school, I still didn’t know what I wanted to do, I liked the sound of a lawyer or a barrister fighting for justice, however when I found out I would have to be in a learning environment for a long time after school, I quickly dropped the idea. I didn’t understand why we were taught half the things we were taught, it didn’t mean much to me and I lost a lot of interest.

By the time we left school, I still didn’t really know what to do, but I look back now and I think, why would I? I hadn’t experienced life outside of school. I worked in retail to get some pocket money while studying holistic therapy, which I did really enjoy but sadly 4 years later life made the decision for me that I could no longer work in the industry due to being diagnosed with tendonitis. I met some great friends along the way and I continued to work in the industry working in spa receptions for 5 star hotels but I wasn’t getting the same satisfaction. The busiest time of work is evenings and weekends… which were precious, I was being paid close to minimum wage with no real progression route.  I decided to make a change and work with people who had learning disabilities and autism, which I really enjoyed.

At 23, other life changes happened and I ended up moving back in with my parents. I used this time to think about what I wanted to do and where I wanted my career to go. I felt lost and wished I had paid more attention in school, took on A- levels so I had more doors open. Everywhere I seemed to turn I didn’t have the right experience or qualification, but how was I meant to know what I wanted to do at 16? I felt I was being punished for not knowing everything I wanted to do by the time I was 16?! I went down to an open day at my local college with my mum and really took notice of what was on offer and spoke to the different tutors to see what I was interested in.

I decided to take a leap of faith and take on an HNC Business Management course while continuing to work part time. I really enjoyed the course and I ended up with a distinction, something I never thought I would have achieved. I decided to go to university to get my degree in Business Management, I worried it would be a lot harder but again, I really enjoyed it. It wasn’t easy, I had moved out with my now fiancée and juggled part time work but I still came out with a first class degree, which is something I would never have dreamed of in my teens.

Now I’m in my 30s I still don’t know what’s ahead of me, I am even due to get married this year but like many, might not be able to or have it how I first planned two years ago. That’s ok that I don’t know, things change, but what I do know is I am taking this time to do little things for myself, exercising with friends (virtually), trying new things such as podcasts and although I’m not very good at it, getting creative.

Now to bring it altogether and finally get to the point of how my back story links in with the power of small. Although it is good to dream big and have visions, it is also important to not let these dreams or visions pressure you and put you under stress. Life can sometimes have even better things planned for us or can sometimes get in the way. We also change as people through life and things that mattered before, may not matter so much now. As a child when I went to stay with my Grandma I would repeatedly ask what was on the agenda for the day or even the summer and she would reply with the same phrase “be like Asquith, wait and see”. At the time I had no idea what she meant, who was Asquith? What did he wait for and why? But now although I know a little more about Asquith, it is the message that really hits home. Live in the moment, enjoy what you’re doing now. Of course still have things you want to achieve but start off small. Set yourself goals you want to achieve today, it could be anything from, I’m going to get up and do 10 minutes of exercise today, or I’m going to do 2 minutes of Mindfulness, or perhaps have a look online for jobs or volunteering opportunities.

By living in the moment and taking on smaller goals that work for you, the more you will grow in confidence, feel better in yourself and grow as a person and that is the power of small to me.

So today, I ask you, what is your small thing you will do for yourself?


Written by Adele Hemmings, Access & Engagement Manager

Posted on: 3rd February 2021