Archive 2021

Coping with Christmas

Christmas time can be a challenging time for all of us and it’s important that […]

Posted on: 17th December 2021

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My Volunteering Story – Izzy

How long have you been volunteering for Mind in Mid Herts? How did you hear […]

Posted on: 19th June 2021

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My Volunteering Story – Eve

How long have you been volunteering for Mind in Mid Herts? How did you hear […]

Posted on: 18th May 2021

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It’s no secret that we’re in a climate crisis. We are reminded of it everywhere […]

Posted on: 14th May 2021

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Mental Health Survey – Have your say!

Mind in Mid Herts and Hertfordshire Mind Network are carrying out a survey to understand […]

Posted on: 30th April 2021

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Being Transgender

For our final LGBT History Month blog piece, one of our service users shared with […]

Posted on: 11th February 2021

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Being Bi

  Growing up in Manchester with a large and active gay community, I very much […]

Posted on: 9th February 2021

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The Power of Small

Time to Talk day will be a little different to how we celebrated previous years, […]

Posted on: 3rd February 2021

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The Census is Coming

Households across England and Wales will soon be asked to take part in Census 2021. […]

Posted on: 26th January 2021

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